At a meeting of villagers on April 8th 2024 ‘Friends of Godney’ was formed.
As a community group it is simply a working group of the Parish Council.
Godney Parish Council is responsible for local issues, including setting an annual precept (local rate) to cover the Council’s operating costs and producing annual accounts for public scrutiny. The council is consulted on local planning applications by Mendip District Council’s Planning Authority this includes conservations, listed buildings, and trees. Highways, footpaths and public transport issues are dealt with by Somerset County Council. On matters of crime and security the Council work with the local police.
The Council’s role can also include initiating projects in the Parish. Regular council meetings and the Annual Parish meeting are held in the Village Hall. Any member of the public is welcome attend. Details of these meetings (Agendas and Minutes) are posted on notice boards located throughout the Parish and on the Parish Council’s website. -Godney Parish Council