Set amidst the picturesque and ecologically rich Somerset Moors, world-renowned for their wetlands and diverse wildlife, the village of Godney nestles along the tranquil banks of the River Sheppey. This ancient and delicate landscape is teeming with wildlife and holds a central position among four National Nature Reserves within a wetland area of international significance.

Hidden wildlife cameras throughout Godney unveil a magical world, offering a rare glimpse into the lives of some of Britain’s most cherished and endangered species. From the elusive and mercurial otter to the dazzling blue flash of the kingfisher, and from the marsh harrier to the glossy ibis and the critically endangered water vole, these are just a few of the remarkable residents that make Godney truly extraordinary.

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Below is a blog, keeping you up to date with the flora and fauna in and around Godney. If you would like to feature one of your posts in our wildlife blog, please message us here. For more information on the nature reserves that surround Godney, please visit our ‘See and Do’ page here